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What We Do
Vertiport Planning
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Air Mobility is taking a big step forward by introducing an Urban Air Mobilty (UAM) system in the coming years. With most electric air taxis (eVTOLs) scheduled for certification in 2025, we have only a few years left to regulate the airspace (U-Space) and plan, design and build the infrastructure (Vertiports) for these vehicles. amd.sigma is involved in every step of the planning and construction of this infrastructure. Starting with the search for the right location for a vertiport, through the requirements assessment with traffic forecasting, to the creation of initial volumetric models of the terminal infrastructure as well as the airside aprons. Once we have reached a final decision with the client on sizing, we also design the project with state-of-the-art architecture. For us, good design also includes in-depth knowledge and application of the latest technologies in renewable energy and sustainability. The future of aviation is decentralized, green and non-emitting! We look forward to being an important part of the development of this future.
Vertiport Infrastructure Design: Concept &Architecture
Vertiport Certification
Vertiport Building Permit
Vertiport Construction and Construction Management